December 44 historical museum La Gleize

The December 44 historical museum La Gleize is situated in a beautifull area. Steep valleys, thick woods, wide views and even a huge castle, Froidcour.
In 1989 mr. Gerard Gregoire and Philippe Gillain opend the La Gleize museum. Gregoire, who experienced the war als a child, collected a lot of stoy’s and wrote books. Mr Gillain was a passionate collector of both US and German stuff. During the sixtoes, Gillain discoverd loads of German uniforms, left by the troops during their escape from La Gleize in december 1944. With their museum, both men wanted to preserve history in the best way: telling the stories and visualize it.
In 2013 the museum was rebuild and redecorated. It now has a fresh and modern look. According to us, it is a bit a pitty that the museum is not completely focussed on the battles that took in the area. But nevertheless, this museum is one you have to put on your list.
Arriving at the museum is a moment you will never forget: first you will see this big, monsterous Tiger tank that was left in december 1944, and wich was repainted in 2015.



You will find the museum here:
Rue de l’église 7B
B-4987 La Gleize
+32 (0)80 78.51.91
The website:

Practical information:
Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last entrance 5:30 p.m.)
Low season, closed on Monday and Tuesday
In January, closed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, except school holidays
Closed on December 24 and 31 at 4 p.m.
Closed on December 25 & January 1

– Adult: 7.50 €
– Child from 8 to 12: 6.00 €
– Child under 8: free
– Group (15 minimum)     6.00 €
– School: 4.00 €

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